Saturday, February 26, 2011

Walked in gentle snow

Today I took the dog for a walk in gently falling snow.  I think I enjoyed it more than the dog did.   This is all leading to something.   A little about myself.  I am diabetic and I need to get this all under control.  I saw a new doctor today.  A diabetic specialist. (wonder how much that bill is going to cost me)  He is a Indian by nationality (India) and he has a wonderful accent.  He told me he was not pleased with me nor my test results.  He upped my insulin and he prescribed a new medication which I have to mail in to Medco.  He also told me I have to walk 30 minutes 5 times a day.  LOL so now you know why I walked in the gently falling snow...but I sure am not going to walk in gently falling rain...hhehehe  I also have dug out my Leslie Sansone Walk away the pounds.  These are great for indoor exercise.  They are not boring either which I thought they would be.  I have been doing the 1 mile since my other Doctor told me to get moving. ....  So a moving I will be doing.

I have been doing some sewing but I need to do a lot more and I should be able to since I stopped going into Face Book which take up so much of my time before.  But I think it also gave me Trojans and worms.  I had to have my computer fixed 2 times in the last 5 month.  So I am all done with FB.  Now if I can just keep that promise to myself.

So look for  swap blocks being posted and finished quilts.  I am on a mission to get these UFO under control.

If you play power ball in your state and you have trouble coming up with numbers  I have on the bottom a spinner for you.  Give it a try...who knows you might be lucky.

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