Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My first time blogging

Hi, I am new at this blogging stuff and I really do not have any idea of what I am doing or what I should do. But since I just jumped into the deep end I better start swimming so I don't sink.

I am Linda and I love to quilt. I also and a co-owner of a yahoo group called Quilters Who Care. We are not real big but not small either. Right now we have 315 members. I love being an owner with Beth and We make blocks for BAMC which stands for Brooke's Army Medical Clinic which we make quilts for. This hospital Care's for our wounded soldiers who have been burned and now they are also caring for other wounded soldiers. So if you see quilts or quilt tops with heading of BAMC them this is were those quilts have gone to.


We also Help out QFK which stands for Quilts for Kids, we do a monthly lotto for blocks and Joan makes up the quilts and sends them on to headquarters and they goes to hospitals from there.


Here are a few of the quilts I have made for Prayer Quilts. This is Nate's Quilt

This is Jeniffer's Quilt
This is Collen's Quilt

As you can see I love to do applique and I find it fun to do and for every one of these quilts I went to http://www.fatcatpatterns.com/ for my inspiration. Sindy is a wonderful person and who gives her work for free. Please check out her sight if you get a chance.


“Old World Goodies” said...

Welcome to the world of Blogging, looking good so far ...will show you some easy tricks ......

Shelina (formerly known as Shasta) said...

These are adorable quilts, thanks for sharing the link.